If you lot read this, you lot are likely familiar amongst the e-Patient concept. If you lot read this, you lot are most probable good educated, cause got an involvement inward wellness aid too likely rigid opinions regarding wellness insurance reform, too are really aware of the recent Government force for Health Information Technology adoption. Most people inward this dry reason volition non live on reading this, too most people, piece aware of the political aspects of wellness reform, cause got no thought that their days of beingness only patients ended, too they ought to behavior equally consumers now, too preferably equally e-Patients. These are the other patients, or for brusk o-Patients. When Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHP) made their debut, they promised to empower me equally a consumer too let me to brand my ain decisions on how to pass my wellness aid dollars. I thought this was wonderful, until I realized that equally an empowered wellness aid consumer, I instantly caus...